The 8th edition of the Torino Fashion Match 2023 is held in Turin, Italy, 28th thru 30th of June 2023. This B2B represents the business side of the international format Torino Fashion Week 2023 (27th June – 3rd July 2023) , that every year brings together international delegations of manufacturing companies, fashion designers, innovative brands, retailers and distributors from all over the world. The event offers visibility, international promotion and new partners to collaborate with.
The Torino Fashion Match 2023 is organised by Unioncamere Piemonte in collaboration with the Turin Chamber of Commerce as members of the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) and supported by the Sector Group Textiles, the Sector Group Creative Industries, the Sector Group Tourism , the Thematic Group Women Entrepreneurship and the Thematic Group Internationalization. Over the last years the Fashion Match format became an important event for the textile sector within the EEN network. In fact, the event is one of the main activities organised with the support of EEN Sector Group Textiles. In 2019 it was awarded as “Best Practice” among EEN Sector Groups.
You can see more of the event programme by using this link.