Europe: New skills and strategies towards smart industries
April 15, 2024

The European Metaskills4CLF project supports the modernisation and competitiveness of the Textile, Clothing, leather, and Footwear sectors. It’s accomplished by developing strategies for up-skilling and re-skilling.

By both focusing on developing modern training methods and the updating of EU and national competence strategies, the project supports modern and sustainable business models. This includes creating new strategies for countries that currently lack them.

Expected outcome
The project series of implementations (or activities) is expected to materialise the project’s objectives at three levels:

  • strategic
  • educational
  • social.

One example of actions being developed
Developing and improving Best Available Techniques (BAT) for a sustainable textile, clothing, leather, and footwear (TCLF) industries.

The TCLF industries are moving towards a more sustainable future, and the development of circular business models. Best Available Techniques are becoming a key tool in this process. There are several areas where this can be implemented – on the road towards sustainable production and consumption:

  • consumer education
  • promoting long-term use
  • transparency and ethical production
  • cross-sector partnerships
  • implementing innovation and sustainability standards.

Jonas Widerström works as an international business coordinator, at the Swedish partner, Borås Stad:
— By developing innovative training plans, we want to make these industry segments more attractive for a career. For example, we plan an awareness campaign to highlight the career opportunities.

Key aspects
The METASKILLS4TCLF project works with four key aspects, with the support of both a wide network of education providers and a network of EU regional authorities. All contributing to the modernisation of TCLF training and skilling:

  1. The updating of an EU level skills strategy, and the existing national level strategies. This includes addressing the existing skills gaps in the textile, clothing, leather, and footwear (TCLF) sectors, by creating regional public-private collaborative skills alliances (developing regional Pact for Skills).
  2. The developing of innovative curricula and training resources, using new training methodologies. This involves collaboration with various actors in the education and training community throughout Europe, ensuring that training programmes are aligned with the evolving needs of the TCLF sectors.
  3. The promotion of Attraction and Inclusion in these sectors as a career choice. This includes ensuring that no talent is wasted, providing inclusive opportunities for professionals from diverse backgrounds, and facilitating their integration in the sectors.
  4. The launch of an Awareness Campaign. In addition, partners will conduct awareness campaigns, raising awareness about the TCLF sectors and career opportunities within.

The METASKILLS4TCLF project is led by Centro Tecnológico do Calçado de Portugal and runs between 2023 and 2026.

The project addresses all the objectives of the Alliances for Sectoral Cooperation on Skills (“E+ Blueprint”), intersecting the pillars of the EU PACT4SKILLS TCLF Charter launched in December 2021.
METASKILLS4TCLF is committed to consolidate and update part of the former “Blueprint Skills4Smart TCLF Industries 2030” project results, adding new skills necessary to help companies in the digital and green transition, while adopting disruptive learning methodologies that contribute to attract young generations.

The project 20+ partners come from Portugal, Belgium, France, Italy, Spain, Germany, Greece, Romania, Ukraine, and Sweden. The partners include several producer associations and together, they represent a large portion of the European Textile, Clothes, Leather and Footwear industry.

If you click here, you land on the project homepage.
And this is the link to the Instagram hashtag for METASKILLS4TCLF.
