Digital marketing in the fashion sector
Don’t waste your designer effort. Make sure that what you do is seen and heard of. Promoting and marketing your design and fashion is vital, especially in a constantly changing digital world.
In this webinar we talk about several ways to make an impact in the market, both as a designer and for your products. We will look at seven different ways to do this.
Influencer marketing
To, for example, make full use of the impact of micro-influencers. And making sure our communications are interesting and relevant. With the help of influencers, we come even closer to the audience in a niche category. Yes, the people we talk to a fewer but on the other hand so much more committed.
Video marketing encompasses another of the most successful trends (especially during this quarantine) – live streaming. Instagram and other applications have been filled with live shows in which relevant brands or characters participate in order to entertain.
Inbound Marketing
Within this approach to marketing, we use among other things blogs, brand videos, newsletter or exclusive and downloadable content, such as access to private sales, subscription discounts, invitations to events, etc.
Social media trends
Omni-channel and social e-commerce.
Personalised shopping
The possibility of being able to design or customise garments gives a lot of value to a brand. We manage to connect with the user and make him understand that it is important.
Winks to the past are succeeding more than ever. Brands launch products that go back in times, with a full marketing to support.
Everyone is unique, beautiful and deserves the same possibilities. It’s time for brands to act. The shift to full inclusion must come. And de fashion industry is to follow.
Experts in this e-talk include Professor Albert Pallarès Solé, Juan Carlos Cebrian and Monica E. Alonso
To find out more details about each speaker please click on their profile under the headline “Speakers” on this page.
Time for the e-talk is in GMT (+1) STOCKHOLM
Albert Pallarès SoléProfessor at the University of Barcelona.
Professor at the University of Barcelona. Consultant in international trade for SMEs, with more than 25 years’ experience. Especially in the fashion sector, concerning the area of international luxury positioning.
Professor at the Master of SME of the University of Barcelona. Co-founder of La Miük, The skincare boutique. -
Juan Carlos CebrianSerial entrepreneur
Co-founder of Mírame Lashes & Brows, Hola lash, Regenera Fertility, Sherparing and Tanahook. After several years as a journalist and in the world of sports representation with Regeneracom Sports, he began as an entrepreneur in 2011. First it was Mírame, and then Hola lash and My Beauter Shop came, all of them brands within the aesthetic sector. They were followed by Regenera Fertility, for fertility, and Sherparing, for technology, at the end of 2018. In 2020, the turn came to Tanahook, an import-export solution, accompanied by the Indonesia Consulting team.
Moderator: Monica E. AlonsoCo-founder of La Miük
Co-founder of the online business La Miük, the skincare boutique.
Content manager and responsible for social media.