Home Events - ACTE Webinar A smart fashion industry using digital innovation

A smart fashion industry using digital innovation

This e-talk shows how modern digital dynamics allow you to successfully build innovative business models. The webinar focuses in particular on the Sustainability Masters model. A model that has many different applications in the fashion world.

Within the webinar two hours we will look into a general approach to modern business management and innovation in uncertain contexts. In particular, the e-talk will explore the role of businesses, in the perspective of a social and environmental impact. Finally, we will show some specific cases – mostly in the fashion industry – where we see how these companies has met their challenges in order to succeed in a tough market.

The webinar includes:
– introduction and agenda
– business model innovation in creative industries
– business model innovation for a sustainable future
– case studies; Angelo Inglese, Ottagono, Reverse and Progetto QUID
– Q&A.

To find out more details about each speaker please click on their profile under the headline “Speakers” on this page.

Time for  the e-talk is in GMT (+1) STOCKHOLM




Feb 17 2021


GMT (+1)
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

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Native E-talk 6
Native E-talk 6


  • Moderator: Veronica Scuotto
    Moderator: Veronica Scuotto
    Veronica is the Editorial Assistant of Journal of Intellectual Capital

    (PhD, FHEA, MBA, BA-Honour) after working at the University of the West of Scotland (UK) and then at the Pôle Universitaire Léonard de Vinci in Paris (France) as an associate professor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Veronica joined the University of Turin (Italy). She has got the Italian National qualification as full professor in 2020. She received a PhD in marketing and enterprise management from Milan Bicocca University (Italy).
    Her research interests are focused on SMEs, entrepreneurship, knowledge management, and digital technologies. Apart from being frequently published, Veronica has written two books. Veronica is the Editorial Assistant of Journal of Intellectual Capital, and an Editorial Board member of the Journal of Knowledge Management.
    In 2020, Veronica’s published text on JOB was awarded as the tenth most cited article. She also received two awards as the best Paper of the EuroMed\SIMA track “New Challenges in Open Innovation” in 2016 and the “best-commended paper” in 2017 at the annual EuroMed Academy of Business (EMAB) conference. In 2018 she was recognized by International Council for Small Business (ICSB) as a global partner of excellence. She worked as a commercial manager at GNS China (consultancy company) based in Beijing (China), she was a marketing consultant for a fashion publishing and advertising agency, Ichnos Srl in Naples (Italy), and digital account manager at P.O.S.H. marketing agency in Glasgow (the United Kingdom).

  • Expert: Stefano Schiavo
    Expert: Stefano Schiavo
    Stefano is the founder and partner of Sharazad

    Stefano is the founder and partner of Sharazad, a consulting firm within strategic marketing and business development. He was earlier the managing director of Lago, a benchmarking company in design-centred innovation. He leads and conducts projects within business model innovation as well as in agile and Lean management. He also speaks at events and conferences within the same field of expertise. As an experienced facilitator for business schools, universities and companies, he launched The Fab Sessions in 2013. This is a series of events on Lean start-ups and other cutting-edge management approaches to business. He is the author of the books “#Maker”, released in 2017, and” La Trappola del business plan”, released in 2018.

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