Modacc: Catalan Fashion Cluster

Modacc is a non-profit, private organisation, created in 2011. Modacc tries to integrate all companies within the textile and fashion ecosystem in Catalonia.

Its mission is to boost the companies' competitiveness in the textile & fashion industry in Catalonia. Among its main working areas, Modacc highlights the support the internationalisation of fashion industry, driving innovation and the engagement with Europe. The work at international level of Modacc is driven by the international platforms. This is an instrument to support the commercial expansion of companies, allowing them to share resources and taking care of their collective and individual objectives.

Among the activities Modacc collaborates in the organisation of the 080 Barcelona Fashion show and the BSTIM fair in Igualada.

Member type

Adherent member

Contact person

David Garcia
+34 934 151 228


Mr. David Garcia

Contact info

Carrer Milà i Fontanals 14–26, 6a, 08012 Barcelona