PIN s.c.r.l. Educational and Scientific Services for the University of Florence, is a non-profit consortium with majority public share, funded in 1992. Main shareholders are the University of Florence, Municipality of Prato, Province of Prato, Chamber of Commerce, CariPrato Bank Foundation, main Entrepreneurial Associations and other private and public bodies of the local area. PIN is financed with funds coming from its own activities and with private as well as public resources, and manages the Prato Campus of the University of Florence: it is a bridge to close the gap between university and local society.
PIN is a company that effectively integrates all the essential structures and services to better support the activities of its 3 areas:
1. Higher education: support services to 11 degrees of the University of Florence based in Prato Campus.
2. Research: support to the activities of 41 research groups (Labs) involved different research areas through public or private funded multidisciplinary projects.
3. Vocational Training: planning, management and deployment of high level vocational training courses either on demand (public and private customers) or funded by Public Funds (EU/National/Local), with a strong multidisciplinary approach.
Main areas of study and research
- Local industrial activities, especially textiles, clothing and machinery with focus on technical/technological, economic/management, circular economy, design approaches Environmental engineering, renewable energies, mechanical engineering, logistics, 3D scanning and printing;
- Design and Fashion Design;
- Socio-economic and management, international cooperation and social business, labour markets and policy, local development, statistics;
- Information Technology (with particular focus on Industry 4.0 paradigm), cultural heritage IT applications;
- Other (Medicine, Agriculture, Chemistry)