The European Strategy for Sustainable Textiles
February 24, 2022

How many times have we heard of Strategy for Sustainable Textiles? What does it mean by Strategy for Sustainable Textiles?

Paola Migliorini, Deputy Head of Unit Sustainable Production, Products and Consumption Della DG Environment of the European Commission, tried to define what Strategy for Sustainable Textiles means.
There are several points that will be touched upon by the new Strategy. Initially, the “Sustainable Products Initiative” will be launched, which should address issues relating to the extension of the life of garments: durability, reuse, repairability. The first regulation on this issue will be expected by the end of 2023 and it will concern only some textile and clothing products because the Commission is aware that it cannot establish the same rules for all types of products.

Another important point of the strategy is linked to the measurement of the product life cycle and the use of green claims: the Product Environmental Footprint (PEF), with the measurement of the impacts in the life cycle of the product, is foreseen only in the case in which a green claim is to be used.

In the end, there will be changes, but all organizations, associations, and businesses will have the opportunity to assimilate them and adapt themselves.

Read Paola Migliorini interview

Visit the official EU web site
