TIPO - Industrial Tourism Prato - “Factories tell stories”
February 21, 2022

“It is called “”TIPO – Industrial Tourism Prato””, the new tourist product of the city of Prato which, accompanied by the slogan “”Factories tell stories””, aims to attract national and international tourism, offering various opportunities: visits to archeology industrialists and the territory in which the manufacturing was born and that that territory has shaped; visits to factories in operation to discover product and production process excellence based on the reuse of raw materials and the circular economy; creative workshops for children and families; shows and cultural events that will be held in factories in operation.

Thanks to TIPO, the city of Prato, in line with the current strategies for the development of tourism products, aims to identify and enhance the soul of the place, its identity and essential components, thanks to a compelling narrative capable of attracting new visitors.

“TIPO – Turismo Industriale Prato” is promoted by the Municipality of Prato, the Textile Museum, the CDSE Foundation for Historical Ethnographic Documentation; Municipalities of Cantagallo, Carmignano, Poggio a Caiano, Montemurlo, Vaiano, Vernio; in collaboration with ACTE (European Textile Community Association), Visit Tuscany, Prato Turismo and Fonderia Cultart for the artistic part.

Visit the official web site 
