At Materfad, Barcelona material centre
Visiting the Barcelona textile hub
June 5, 2023
Last week, the students of Swedish Nordic Textile Academy went to Barcelona for their yearly Production excursion. One of the main event was the visit to Modacc and the Museu del Disseny de Barcelona/Barcelona Design Museum. The trip to Barcelona also included a visit to Materfad, Barcelona Material centre.
Or, as the Nordic Textile Academywrites on the LinkedIn channel:
“Last week, we had the pleasure of visiting Barcelona for a few days with our graduating students. This is the annual production trip that the graduating students from the Nordic Textile Academy take each year, now accompanied by a big graduation party. We had the honor of visiting textile clusters, meeting design and fashion schools, and taking tours of the region’s textile industries. Thank you, Modacc – Clúster Català de la Moda i el Tèxtil, for a great hospitality and organization, and thanks to everyone else who made the trip what it was.
At the same time, we would like to wish all our graduating students the best of luck. Welcome to the industry!”
The Materfad visit tried to answer the question: How can we create new materials? For example, showing their experiments in making “biomaterials”. For example, “textiles” from orange peels and “leather” from funghi/mushrooms. This included in-depth conversations on how we need to review our way of looking at textiles, both as producers and consumers. These types of materials act in different ways than ordinary textiles. At Materfad, the students were also shown how the catalans work with e-textiles (textiles/fabrics integrated with electronics), 3d print and 4D print.

Learn more about Materfad? Click here. And a visit to the Barcelona Design Museum is also worth the time.
